Hi Michael, thanks for the quote. Yes it is, I haven't commented further on this yet because I'm still finding out how much it will hurt.

Based on what I've been able to find out about mediumship and boosting I'm going to write an article where I present what I've found in more detail, I won't spoil it yet as it would lack more context.

I'm also planning an ebook for medium, which will probably be useless at the moment, so I'll either give it away for free or split it into articles and release it here.

The only thing I know for sure is that if you want to succeed with technical articles now it has to be a personal experience for the content to be understood by the media curators, if they don't understand it then the eventual review for boost may limit the reach of the article :/.

It's all one big mess.

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I’ll be interested in your report. I’m hoping that this is a temporary dip and that things will eventually level out, but right now, I’m not sure.

I’ve been working on a Medium ebook too, actually. Just a bit about my experiences and how to get started on the right foot. But like you, I’m feeling like my book would be pretty worthless at the moment - at least until we get a better understanding of these changes and how they’ll affect things long term.

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Based on Tony's reply to this Nikhil comment, I don't think we can expect better times for tech writers again.


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Indeed. It's very disappointing to say the least. Maybe we need to band together and build something else for ourselves and be sure to support each other on other platforms. Medium was definitely great while it lasted.

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If we still want profit from the medium, we will need to adapt our writing style to one the platform wants, and right now, at least for me, it's hard.

Because I have some followers on this platform, they don't find me thanks to boosted articles… it's like showing them the back and writing something in which I'm not convinced just for profit.

The whole thread is interesting. There is also a part with Mark and Tony ping pong…

I need some time to assume thoughts on the new Medium Partner Program. I think the right time for some articles will be by month close.

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I've been reading through the comments between Mark, Tony and Nikhil. I don't envy Tony's position and the problems Medium is up against, but at the same time these changes feel like a betrayal of so many of us who have worked for a long time to build an audience on Medium and contribute to the site - both with our paid memberships, referrals, and our content (which takes time to create.)

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